Bryan College Mosaic Council Hosts Christmas Trivia Night

Photo: Cameron Wisniewski

Written by Cameron Wisniewski, News Reporter

DAYTON, TN – Hosted by the Mosaic Council, students battled for trivia dominance last Thursday at 8 p.m. in Mercer 242 on Dec. 1, 2022. There were snacks outside of Mercer 242 in the hallway, which included a make-your-own Christmas cookie station that had icing and marshmallows for attendees to put on their cookies. 

The rounds of trivia were run through Kahoot, an online quizzing site. Participants would log in, and most of the questions were multiple choice. Topics included the history of Christmas and Christmas carols. Contestants competed to get the most points in order to receive a gift card. Gift cards to Zaxby’s, Dayton Nutrition and Mejia’s Crazy Fruit were up for grabs.

One of the most frenetic points of the night was during the second round of trivia. This quiz required participants to fill in the blank for the answers. Several times, organizers almost switched the quiz to a different one. One of the answers was a jingle bell, which no one got, making contestants upset.

Photo: Tony Lokure

Daeana Roberts, a member of the Mosaic Council and junior English major, spoke about planning the event. “Mr. Morgan and I usually get together once a month, depending on what is on the horizon, like if it’s about to be Black History Month or Hispanic Heritage Month or anything like that, and we’ll just figure out what students want in events, and then we put something on the calendar,” said Roberts.

Caleb Diggs, a sophomore at Bryan College who is yet to decide his major, attended the event and spoke about his opinions on Christmas. “Christmas is more about Jesus, and how all that came to be, so I love Christmas because I love Jesus, so I love Christmas because I’m a believer in faith,” said Diggs.

The Mosaic Council is Bryan’s multicultural organization. Next February, the Mosaic Council will be taking a group of students down to the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, as well as holding a Black History Month trivia night. For those interested in joining the Mosaic Council, email Bruce Morgan or Daeana Roberts.

Cameron Wisniewski is a junior communications major at Bryan College. He is from Georgia, and likes to read and play video games in his spare time.