Written by Jordan Hubbard, News Editor
DAYTON, TN – The only professor to get knocked out and suffer a nosebleed for Bryan College is Dr. Daniel Gleason. Gleason participated in Fight Night last spring and gained this unique honor from the event. Gleason is the Chair of the English Department and an English professor here at Bryan.
Gleason grew up as a missionary kid in the Philippines and greatly credits this to having a strong faith in Christ now. His family remained overseas until his mother got really sick, forcing them to remain in the United States.
“Having a sick mother was a challenge to my faith. And having to understand the pain of the world and how the presence of Jesus doesn’t always look like you snapped your fingers and healing comes,” Gleason said.
Gleason played soccer growing up and played for Bryan College. He said that both the communities of the Philippines and Bryan were caring and inclusive. That is what made him feel like Bryan College was the right place for him. He went on to receive his doctorate in English from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
He taught in a high school for a number of years but ultimately wanted to teach at a college level. He started looking for openings at colleges and universities, To his surprise, he found an opening at Bryan College. He applied for the position but did not expect to get it due to how young he was compared to other professors. Fortunately, he did receive it and started teaching at Bryan.
Over his ten years at Bryan, Gleason has impacted many students. One time, a class he thought was a bummer ended up being how a student came to know the true meaning of the Gospel. He came back from the class feeling terrible about the lecture he just gave. A couple of hours later, he checked his email to see a student asking about the Gospel. This one lecture sparked a friendship that is still strong today. “It’s not necessarily about the days that the students are affirming me but you just never know what’s landing with students,” Gleason said.
One of his favorite memories as a professor is falling over during yoga. He noticed that the students needed a break from the lecture so they stopped to do some yoga. While doing yoga with the students, Gleason fell over.
When asked what his advice for students would be he said waking up and showing up for classes. He also said that keeping up with assignments is another critical part of succeeding in a college environment.
Gleason loves how his profession allows him to express his worldview in different ways, whether it be through poetry, creative writing, academic writing or speaking to students.
His life verse is Micah 6:8, which says, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (ESV).
Jordan Hubbard is a sophomore communications major and business minor. She is from Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee and likes to read, write, and hike.