Contact Information
Fax: 423-775-7328
Bryan College Triangle, Box 7807
721 Bryan Drive
Dayton, TN 37321
Advertising Manager: Matt Looney | | 304-488-9196
Advertising Representative: Jonathan Neal | | 404-429-6637
Advertising Representative: Daniel Jackson | | 860-992-3213
Publication Information
Triangle is published in print monthly and as an interactive news website daily from the first Thursday in September to the end of May (except in January).
Our print circulation totals 1,100 8-page tabloid newspapers and consists of direct delivery to almost 1,000 students, faculty and staff. Our online publication is available to the public.
Advertising Deadlines
Advertisements must be received one week prior to the publication date they are intended for.
Online Advertisements
We offer four online ad sizes that range from $25 to $75 for one month and $75 to $225 for four months.
Print Advertisements
The standard page is 10 inches (5 columns) wide by 11.75 inches tall. Advertising depth is available at $6 per column inch: 1/4 page ads cost $75 per issue, 1/2 page ads cost $125 per issue, and full page ads cost $225 per issue. *Receive a 20% discount for multiple publication dates for the same advertisement.*
Combination (Online & Print) Rates
Triangle offers slightly reduced rates for advertisements to be published both online and in print. Please contact an Advertisement Representative for more information.
General Terms & Conditions
The staff of the Bryan College Triangle reserves the right to edit or reject any advertising material deemed objectionable, whether in subject matter, illustration or wording, at any time. It is the policy of BC Student Publications not to accept advertising that is contrary to the principles of the Bible or Bryan College’s Code of Student Conduct. Specifically, we will not accept advertising from businesses that trade in pornography, alcohol or tobacco products. Advertising featuring 1-800, 1-888, 1-900 numbers, advertising promising easy employment, large revenues, easy college degrees or dating or matchmaking services will be carefully screened for legitimacy.