Written by Amanda Davis, Editor-In-Chief
Photos by Amanda Davis
DAYTON, TN – Every Fall semester, Freshman senators are voted into Bryan’s Student Government Association. Freshmen Senators are specifically elected to represent their class, and anyone else who voices a suggestion.
According to Hayden “Nova” Couvillon and Danielle Doran, who are Bryan’s newly elected Freshman Senators, the Student Government Association is an organization that serves as a mediator between the student population and Bryan Administration.
Danielle Doran did not realize that she was running for the office of Female Freshman Senator until she saw her name on the voting ballet. She had mistakenly filled out the candidate registration QR code that she found on social media, because she thought that all other freshmen were supposed to fill it out.
Doran, choosing to make the best of the situation, hopes that she can “help make campus a better place” through her new appointment. She hopes that SGA can increase awareness among the students, and that they can be a resource for people struggling with their problems.
“I think it’s important that there be effective communication between all parts of the campus, because to actually make change, you need to hear everybody’s perspective,” Doran said.
Hayden “Nova” Couvillon was inspired to run for Male Freshman Senator through guidance from Jack Smith, SGA’s current President. The two met two years ago in a college writing class and quickly became friends. Couvillon was motivated to run after seeing how Smith won his official appointment as Freshman Senator. Couvillon said that his election campaign started “the first day I came to class.”
Couvillion’s main motivation for running for office was to work for change for the Bryan community in a realistic manner. He wants to approach problems on campus in a way that works for everyone.
“I don’t approach [a problem] usually with the approach of trying to change it, I’ll approach it with the approach more of undermining. I would rather point out the issues of where it is currently and then just let people’s reasoning deduce where to go from there, rather than presenting a solution and saying do this,” Couvillon said.
Amanda Davis is a junior communications major and creative writing minor at Bryan College. She is a Kansas City native and loves reading, writing and photography.