Letter to the Editor: Thoughts on SGA’s Decision

The essence of the title “Christian” is the call to be like Christ. If Student Government is truly to be a Christian organization, we must focus on this call.

Photo courtesy of Bryan College.

Due in large part to the tireless efforts of Ministry Council, Student Government has determined that in order to better live out our calling to service at Bryan, Ministry Council will  be discontinued at the conclusion of this term.

As Bryan has grown, her needs have changed accordingly. Over the years, many of the original functions of Ministry Council have been eliminated or are now performed by other organizations. Ministry Council has since struggled to find a specific vision within SGA. Unable to gain a vision, many of its members have left discouraged—their gifts and passions constrained within the wrong system.

This year, Ministry Council set out to fix the system. They endeavored to shift the focus of the council toward the facilitation of ministries. This conversation highlighted for me the underlying issue: we have allowed Ministry Council to become the “Christian” arm of our organization. If it was spiritual it fell within Ministry Council’s jurisdiction. However, as Christians we are called to holistic lifestyles in which the love of Christ permeates and propels all of our actions. We must live out that God-given task of ministry in all that we do.

In recent history, this split between sacred and secular duties has unintentionally strained our organization. Rather than seeing this as some form of failure, I see this dissolution as a needed shift in our thinking. Ministry is not a task; it is the heart behind the action. And all believers have the responsibility to minister in whatever role they are called.

I want to thank the members of Ministry Council for the long hours they have spent in discussion and prayer. They have been on the front lines of an often lonesome battle, and their efforts have provided our organization with the perspective we needed to pursue this change. Pray that we continue to seek the Lord’s guidance as we explore how we can best serve the student body and what new positions may assist in that endeavor.


Evan Johnson—Student Body President