Evangelism team ministers on Bryan hill

by Timothy Baldi, Triangle staff writer

Evangelism team gathers for prayer

Practical Christian Involvement (PCI) groups work to evangelize different parts of the world with the good news of Christ. One PCI group, the Evangelism Team, focuses on spreading the gospel to those who are often forgotten: our neighbors.

“We forget about the people right across the street,” said junior Andrew Schaale, “we can get so caught up in reaching the world.” Schaale, who has been leading the team for two semesters, said that believers do not necessarily need to look further than Bryan hill in order to find people who need ministry.

“Approximately every other Saturday, the Evangelism Team travels door-to-door on Bryan Hill and asks people for prayer requests,” said sophomore Carlin Nasiatka. The ministry focuses on praying consistently for the needs of these people rather than just one time.

“Evangelism is a process,” said Schaale. “The team works hard to develop relationships, pray for people, warm cold hearts and speak truth into people’s lives.”

“Most of the people they meet on the hill are already Christians or have heard the gospel before,” said Nasiatka.

“This gives the team the opportunity to encourage believers and minister to them,” said junior Ben Andrews.

“Whether or not the people on the hill are Christians,” Andrews continued, “the team engages Bryan’s neighbors in conversation, prays for their needs and tries to meet whatever needs possible.”

“Last semester, the team met some believers who had lived on the hill for nearly 15 years without a single Bryan student knocking on their door,” said Schaale.

At this home the wife suffered from bipolar disorder and other illnesses, so the team prayed for the family, according to Schale.

The team has met many others who are in similar situations. Some people on the hill and in a trailer park Rhea County are going through custody battles, illnesses, financial trouble and deaths, Nasiatka said.

“It opened my eyes,” said Andrews “I realized there was very real suffering just down the hill.”