While the world watched

By Tim Baldi
Copy Editor

We argued. And it wasn’t even about the gospel.

Like a petty denominational squabble, all that mattered was that somebody had to be wrong.

Churches argue and people argue; there’s no shame in this. But we boldly declared our shame in each other for the entire country to see. We unapologetically apologized for the wrongness of our peers.

Our president talked about Matthew 18 during “family time,” but the rest of us wanted to gossip.

Even when Dr. Livesay invited us to make appointments with him, some of us still went behind his back and complained that the man responsible for our school’s reputation cared too much about saving face. So few of us had the determination and strength to take our bitterness off the internet and let it fall on the ears of a man ready to listen.

And when we saw our classmates doing this wrong, some of us leapt to defend our leader, and responded with our own hash of gossip through our Facebook statuses and media outlets. All this rubble, when the perpetrators had names and faces right across the hall from us. When a brother could be won over just between the two of you.

All this wrongdoing, while the unsaved world turned its eye to a small Christian college in Dayton, Tennessee.

And for this…I’m sorry.