Students voice their opinion on cafeteria food

by Tim Baldi
Staff Writer

Students come from a variety of culinary backgrounds whether they were raised on fast food or on mom’s homemade cooking. Coming to college every year presents students with the task of maintaining their own diet in the cafeteria and in their dorm rooms.

What foods do you enjoy most in the cafeteria?

“I love the pizza!” said freshman Corey Heartfield.

Sophomore Lia Johnson said the sandwiches in the sub line make a nice meal, and they are a good way to get vegetable servings.

Sophomore Kelly Findley said that he enjoys the salad bar, sub line, ice cream and the chicken strips.

“Compared to other school cafeterias, the quality of the food is generally better [at Bryan],” said Findley.

Junior Dave Skinner said the chicken, salad bar and sub line are really good.

Freshman Jonathan Hernandez said he likes the chicken tenders, steak and corn nuggets. His general diet includes eating salads, sandwiches, wraps, pizza, eggs, hash browns or whatever is in the hot line.

The salad bar in the cafeteria helps students maintain a healthy diet./ Triangle Photo by Lana Douglas
The salad bar in the cafeteria helps students maintain a healthy diet./ Triangle Photo by Lana Douglas

What foods do you avoid in the cafeteria?

Senior Zac Harrison said that he avoids the reuben sandwiches, mexican food, chinese food and frito pie.

“If there is a possibility of getting sick from it, I avoid it like the plague,” he said. “When in doubt, it’s really hard to screw up pizza and sandwiches.”

Johnson said she tends to be pretty picky about desserts and will avoid them if they do not “delight me sufficiently.”

Findley said he does not eat the fish or most of the vegetables in the hot line.

Freshman Axel Barth said he generally avoids the hot line and prepares his own food at the omelet and stir fry station.

“I like to know where the ingredients come from and know what’s in the food I’m eating,” he said. “I learn to improvise and become a better cook.”

What food do you buy for your room?

According to sophomore Andrea Manz, she keeps peanut butter and jelly sandwich ingredients, string cheese, saltine crackers and dark chocolate in her room to snack on.

“I try to avoid purchasing munchies, like chips and Cheez-Its because they’re expensive and they go fast, and they’re unhealthy,” said Manz. “It just seems like a waste. I like them. I just don’t buy them.”

Harrison said he keeps Ramen noodles, chili, popcorn, energy bars and non-alcoholic beer.

“I tend to eat less healthy here,” said Harrison. “Many of my meals are quick and on the run. Sadly, nutritional value isn’t a high priority.”

Sophomore Ashley Toth said, “Outside of the cafeteria, I try to buy healthy foods so I don’t get fat.”

Senior Alaina Woodall, who lives in one of the townhouses, said she gets a lot of chicken and salad.

Eating healthier has become easier now without the meal plan, according to Woodall. She has a lot more control over what she eats and what she puts into her meals.

Students undertake the challenge of controlling their diet by using a wide variety of methods. Even students who rely on the meal plan have several ways of creating a tasty and healthy meal while still having control over the food they are putting into their bodies.