Student films will debut in chapel

by Jordan Pilgrim
Multimedia Editor

Bryan College’s film majors have been working with the Spiritual Formations staff to prepare two films to be shown as part of a chapel series about Christianity in the arts, exploring the idea of living out the Christian faith incarnationally.

The first film, to be shown on Monday, Nov. 30, is titled “Animals.” This film consists of three short films that present different ways in which an animal helps someone to learn about the nature of love, faith and God. These shorts are directed by junior Bryce McGuire, senior Phillip Johnston and senior Colton Davie.

On Wednesday, Dec. 2, a second film directed by juniors Bryan Saylor and Jordan Pilgrim and titled “Maxwell Beasley’s Heart” will be shown. This film also follows the theme of incarnational living as it considers the ways in which people give and receive love by following its title character, Maxwell Beasley, as he loses his heart.

Below is the teaser for “Animals.”

Animals – Teaser from Colton Davie on Vimeo.