IT Director Stefon Gray resigns

by Brittney Weber
Senior Staff Writer

56414Who do you call when your computer decides it doesn’t want to connect to the internet? Or when the Smart Board in your classroom won’t play a Palmer video? Or the sound doesn’t work for your presentation? Well, I.T. services, of course.

For the past 10 years, Stefon Gray has been the director of Information Technology Services at Bryan College. However, Gray will soon be resigning his position. “I feel that Bryan College is currently at its zenith in technology and has a very capable staff, allowing me to step out at this time,” said Gray.

Gray has been on staff at Bryan for over 10 years but feels it is time to move on. “I have decided to pursue other interests in the I.T. field and soon will be leaving the Dayton area. Steve Paulson, database administrator, has been named as my successor,” said Gray.

Paulson, former database administrator, assumed the responsibilities of Gray’s position Monday.

“It has been a God-given privilege to be part of ‘educating students to become servants of Christ to make a difference in today’s world’,” said Gray.

Both of Gray’s daughters have graduated with degrees from Bryan.

“The educations they received have well prepared them for their present careers,” said Gray. “Few careers offer the opportunity to see young adults discover their place in society, become equipped and boldly enter the workforce ready for the challenges of life.”

Gray is currently looking for a job in the area of I.T. security that would allow him to work with but not in I.T.

“Working in a college setting for over 10 years has helped me in learning to find the perfect balance between security and accessibility,” said Gray. “I want to do that on a more corporate level.”

Gray is also looking to stay within the Chattanooga or Knoxville area, allowing his wife Alice Gray to stay at her current job as areceptionist in the office of the president.