Campus rests on Day of Prayer

by Britney Weber, senior staff writer

Triangle photo by Jordan Pilgrim

“The Day of Prayer [Wednesday] is a day off of classes that is given to the student body by the administration in order for students to focus on praying for the world, the government, missions, Bryan college and professors,” said junior Jenifer Manzo, vice president of women’s ministry.

The Day of Prayer is a chance for students to relax and take a day to rejuvenate in the midst of a busy semester. 
“Rest will affect how we pray,” said Manzo, “it will help us to stay focused.”

This is the topic Graham Hill will talk on during Day of Prayer chapel. Hill is the event director for Student Life Camps based in Birmingham, Ala. and spends his summers running student camps and speaking on the importance of finding rest in God, according to junior Chad Byers, AA for the SGA ministry council.

“We are so busy during the summer with all the camps, there is no way you could make it through the summer without rest,” said Byers.

Students are encouraged to take the day to rest, manifested in whatever form they feel most beneficial. The ministers to men and women on SGA have planned a variety of activities that encourage rest, both mentally and physically.

Activities include several of the same events from past years, such as the sunrise hike at 5:30 a.m., 24-hour Scripture reading and prayer, a prayer walk through Dayton at 1 p.m., schools, leaders etc. and a special Day of Prayer chapel.

However, there are also several new events that have been added this year. A prayer/worship room will be open throughout the day for students to worship through prayer, singing, fellowship and drawing or sketching.

“Prayer is more than just a verbal thing – it is a lifestyle and how we communicate with God,” said junior Andrew Davis, vice president of men’s ministry.

There will also be board and card games in the cafeteria, as well as Frisbee, football and tennis on the soccer field and tennis courts. 
“The ministers in charge of the events have really done a good job at taking old ideas and making them their own,” said Davis.

Byers and senior Chris Tuttle are planning on camping out Tuesday night at the location where the sunrise hike will end, and placing signs with things to pray about while on the hike.

“This is a day to take time to rest spiritually and to reflect on what God is doing in our lives. It is a time to celebrate and enjoy God’s gift of time off,” said Davis.

The day will end with a bonfire in the parking lot, with prayer, worship and hot drinks.