Words are real. They can hurt, regardless of what the old children’s rhyme says. We at Triangle are cognizant of the power of words. That’s why we regret that some of our words last semester hurt other members of our community. That was never our intention, and we regret that anyone felt attacked or belittled by anything published in Triangle.

Sometimes in the pursuit of truth or making a point or just making a joke, we focus more on the creation than the reception of our writing. That is not the humility that we strive to practice as journalists. Specifically, Triangle would like to apologize to the members of the women’s soccer team who were offended by references to the team in a sports column last semester. It was not Triangle’s intent to offend; in fact, the column was about something else entirely. But we were callous in not perceiving how these committed athletes would receive our attempt at humor. We will strive to be more sensitive in the future, and hope that those we offended can forgive us.