You gotta ‘Art somewhere

By Meredith Kreigh
Staff Reporter

In May of 2012, Bryan College introduced a new Art Minor. The minor requires 18 credit hours, including Art 470, an independent study, and Film 246, digital imaging.

Instructor and Art Fellow Elaine Davis sat at a student’s paint-streaked desk inside the art building, the homey structure in between Rudd Chapel and Dr. Livesay’s presidential residence.

The interior smelled of pottery recently removed from the kiln, and tales of dedication were told through vibrant colors, and scattered masterpieces were amassed on easels and desks. There, Davis expressed her enthusiasm for the emerging prevalence of art in Bryan’s community.

Davis said that she noticed an enormous interest among students and that most faculty members viewed it as a creative outlet to positively channel students’ thoughts.

Davis hopes that the institution of an actual minor will encourage students to pursue their love of the arts.

“Some students stifle, or have stifled for them, the gift, for the sake of practicality,” said Davis. “It’s easy to say, ‘if there are children starving, what is going to be accomplished by me drawing on a piece of paper?’”

The purpose of this minor is to reflect the significance of art. When there aren’t many classes to showcase it, even very talented individuals may be led to think it is unimportant.

What many students may not realize is the art accreditations are now part of the over-arching communications department. Davis said that it really makes sense when you think about it.

Art, after all, is visual communication. A picture is worth a thousand words, right?

“Growing up and even through college, I myself struggled with seeing art as important,” admitted Davis. “I had such a passion for it, but there wasn’t an abundance of outstanding possibilities. I believed the lie of insignificance. So I became an elementary [school] teacher.”

But there is a lot of use in learning art techniques, said Davis. One could continue on in some form of art education, for instance. But there is more to it than that, she explained.

Art, Davis said, is integral to loving God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength, because it means using the creative side of your brain to glorify God. We were created in the image of our Creator, so we have an urge to do likewise.

“Art is a learned skill. It is part of living life abundantly; it isn’t utilitarian,” she continued, “It is refining and making clay into a beautiful vessel, making order out of chaos.”

If it is what you are “drawn” to, as she punned, talk to your adviser and apply for a minor.