Letter to the Editor: Hear My Voice – Michael Sherril

174713All is not well at Bryan College. In my mind I have tried to deny that this is the case, telling myself that problems are everywhere, but finally I have come to accept that the school I love has significant wounds. Writing that hurts me. So does thinking about the people I respect and care about, friends and professors alike, who will no longer be at Bryan because of the turmoil here.

As an education major, I would like to specifically address the release of Dr. Steve DeGeorge from his position at Bryan. Although I have only had the privilege of taking one class from him, I have learned much through his example of showing deep care for his students. He has taught me that to be a good educator, I will need to connect with my students by loving them and listening to them. This has given me a more complete vision of the meaning of Christian education: it goes beyond simply teaching truth but also involves living truth in the classroom. I wish I could have the opportunity to continue learning from his experience and example during my time here.

Throughout the events of this semester, I have at times cried, kept silent in frustration and confusion, and shouted in anger. I do not know what to pray except for God’s will to be done and for the courage and grace to accept that. I will continue to pray those things for my school and for the people here, asking God to bring healing for His glory. And because I know that God is at work, I have hope for all of us.


Michael Sherril