For the Love of the Game: Bryan rugby

Written By: Jacob Jones

Managing Editor

In spite of a tribulant existence, the Bryan College Rugby Football Club (BCRFC) pushes forward in its mission of Christ centered rugby brotherhood.

The team plays solely for the brotherhood and the love of the game.  Being a club sport, the players do not receive scholarships.  The team is motivated by unity and brotherhood that the club provides, and an enthusiasm for the sport.  Bryan Rugby would not be the same without the a love for Christ, teammates, and the game.

Bryan College Rugby
Bryan College Rugby

Even without the motivation of scholarships, the team has persevered through many hard situations, such as injuries and insufficient numbers. However, the rugby has been ever present in the Bryan community.

This season, the Club was one member short of having enough to compete in the local collegiate rugby conference.  Team captain Evan Bell said he remains positive about the future of the team, and has been using this gap year to build team relationships as well as the number of players.

Bell expresses his hopes for the future. “This year, our goal is to expand our team’s numbers by raising awareness of the club on campus by word of mouth and encouraging new people to participate in our weekly scrimmages on Saturdays.”

Senior player John Truax said, “Not being in conference play my senior year is definitely a disappointment and not exactly how I imagined I would go out. However, looking at the big picture I think it’s a smarter choice.”

There is talk that he may coach the team next year. “I’ve thrown around the idea about, not that I feel completely qualified. It’s definitely up in the air right now, but I think it would be an awesome experience.”

Evan Bell says, “I hope that our group will be the standard of a Christ centered team on and off of the pitch.  We are brothers in Christ through faith and in our rugby club.  We will join the conference next fall and earn the respect of the competition.”


Authors Note:

The rugby team extend an enthusiastic invitation to all Bryan students.  Any men who are interested are invited to join any team practices or scrimmages.  Everyone else is invited to come watch what we believe is, “the greatest sport in the world.”


As always, the men are playing simply for the love of the game.